html> Trip to Kyushu, Japan 2014 by Wen-Hsiang Tsai; 日本九州之旅 2014年,蔡文祥

Detailed Daily Highlight ---


04-01E Soginotaki Falls & Park (?木???公園) --- good scenes along the river

D04-01E-02_Scene 1 along the river

D04-01E-03_Scene 2 along the river

D04-01E-04_Scene 3 along the river

D04-01E-05_Looking at the river at the exit of the flood tunnel

D04-01E-06_Red maple tree leaves

D04-01E-07_Unknown fruit on a tree

D04-01E-08_A shop we visited

D04-01E-09_A town we saw on the way to the falls park